I wish ____________.
I wonder how many times people say "I wish" everyday? It is such a dangerous phrase. We (males and females) get so caught up in wishing for what we don't have that we miss what we do have. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things that would be pretty nice right now... I WISH I didn't have to take finals. I WISH I could jump on a plane to Anywhere, Earth right now. Then I think how blessed I am to actually be in college and how I live in what I consider to be one of the best countries in the world. I can dream and plan, but there is a time for everything.
I don't think it is bad to wish for things, just don't wish for things to happen all the time. I can't stand hearing people complain all the time about how their life sucks and how they wish it was different. Yes, life isn't always sunny, but realize that life would be pretty boring if it went your way all the time. Please don't wish your life away!
Wishes, wishes, wishes... don't miss out on today.
This too, once again :) is wonderful! Have you ever seen the play Into the Woods? I have it on DVD AND on CD :) The play begins and ends with the phrase "I wish..." for exactly reason about which you have written! I'll bring them both to work with me today just incase you'd llike to listen/watch it sometime - when you are done with finals, of course!! :)
ReplyDeleteI have seen the play :) I would love to listen to the soundtrack sometime!
ReplyDeleteit's on my desk, with your name on it. will I see you tomorrow??